Can Ooni Be Left Outside? Prevent Weather Damage With Smart Storage Solutions!

Have you experienced the frustration of dealing with a rusty, damaged pizza oven? This can happen if your Ooni is left outside. The oven may not handle the elements. If you ever notice rust spots and a decrease in performance that means you need to change the way you store it. Now, I’ve found a solution that keeps my oven safe and sound, rain or shine.

If you’re wondering whether your Ooni pizza oven can withstand outdoor conditions, let me share my insights with you.

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Can Ooni Pizza Oven be Left Outside?

Ooni pizza ovens are outdoor-friendly, but there are a few things you should keep in mind to keep yours in tip-top shape.

Use a Protective Cover:

Buying a good cover for your Ooni oven is the best solution for keeping it outside.

It helps shield it from all sorts of weather, like heavy rain, snow, or intense sun rays.

It’s like giving your oven a cozy little home when you’re not using it.

You can even buy a backpack cover that fits all Koda and Karu models like a glove. It can function as a durable and weather-safe oven cover.

Bring Your Ooni Indoors During Extended Periods of Non-Use:

Even though Ooni ovens can be left outside, it’s a good idea to bring yours inside if you’re not going to be using it for a while.

This keeps it safe from any wild weather that might come its way.

Don’t forget to bring the pizza stone inside during rainy days to keep it from absorbing water.

Good Care for Good Performance:

Using a cover and storing your oven indoors when you’re not using it is key to keeping it in top-notch condition.

It might be tempting to leave Ooni outside all the time, but a little TLC goes a long way in keeping your pizza oven cranking out delicious pies for years to come.

Over the years of using my pizza oven, I’ve found that taking good care of my Ooni pays off big time.

By using a cover and bringing it inside when I’m not using it, I’ve kept it looking and working like new.

Ooni pizza ovens overview

The Ooni pizza ovens are portable outdoor pizza ovens that are perfect for making wood-fired pizzas.

Most Ooni ovens are compact and easy to take with you, whether you’re in your backyard, camping, or enjoying any outdoor activity.

You can choose between models that use wood pellets, gas, or charcoal to fuel them.

And they all heat up fast, cooking pizzas in just a few minutes.

There are different Ooni models available, each with its own features.

But they’re all designed to help you make delicious pizzas with that classic wood-fired taste, whether you’re a pizza pro or just starting out.

Why you might want to leave Ooni outside

can ooni be left outside

Leaving the Ooni pizza oven outside indeed offers several benefits:

Easy Access for Frequent Use

Keeping the Ooni pizza oven outside means it’s always ready for action whenever the pizza craving strikes.

You won’t have to go through the hassle of setting it up each time you want to make pizza.

Just step outside, fire it up, and you’re ready to start baking delicious pies in no time.

This convenience makes it perfect for impromptu gatherings or spontaneous pizza nights with friends and family.

Saves Space Indoors:

If your Ooni pizza oven is left outside, you free up valuable space indoors.

Especially for those with limited kitchen or storage space, keeping the oven outdoors eliminates the need to find a dedicated spot for it indoors.

This can help declutter your living space and make room for other appliances or activities.

No Need to Transport it Back and Forth:

Transporting the Ooni pizza oven back and forth between indoor and outdoor spaces can be a hassle.

By leaving Ooni outside, you eliminate the need to lug it around, saving time and effort.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about potentially damaging the oven during transportation.

It stays put in its designated outdoor spot, always ready to serve up delicious pizzas whenever you desire.

Risks of leaving Ooni pizza oven outside

Storing your pizza oven outdoors can expose it to a variety of risks:

Exposure to Weather Elements:

Leaving it outside means it’s at the mercy of whatever Mother Nature throws its way.

Rain, snow, and sun can all wreak havoc on its components over time.

Continuous exposure to moisture can lead to rusting of metal parts, warping of wood components, or deterioration of other materials.

Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can also affect its performance and longevity.

Potential Damage or Wear and Tear:

Outdoor storage increases the likelihood of accidental damage or wear and tear.

Strong winds could knock it over, especially if it’s not securely anchored.

It might also get bumped into by kids playing or pets running around.

This can cause scratches, dents, or other forms of damage on it.

Plus, falling branches or other objects could cause more serious harm.

Even without direct impact, prolonged exposure to sunlight can make the oven’s exterior finish fade or deteriorate.

Risk of Theft:

Outdoor appliances like pizza ovens can be tempting targets for theft.

Especially if they’re valuable or easily visible from the street.

Even if the oven is securely anchored or covered, there’s always a risk of someone attempting to steal it. Particularly in areas with higher crime rates or where it’s readily accessible.

Pests or Rodents:

Leaving Ooni outside may attract pests or rodents in search of food or shelter.

Insects, birds, rodents, and other critters may find their way into the oven’s interior.

They can cause damage or create unsanitary conditions.

Animals and insects could also build nests or leave behind debris, affecting the oven’s performance and cleanliness.

How to store Ooni pizza oven outside properly

can ooni be left outside

Let’s dive into the best storage practices to help your oven stay in tip-top condition:

1. Thorough Cleaning:

Before tucking your Ooni oven away, give it a good clean both inside and out.

Remove any leftover ashes or food bits from the cooking chamber and wipe down the exterior surfaces.

This not only keeps things hygienic but also prevents any buildup that could cause issues down the line.

2. Invest in a Quality Cover:

Getting a sturdy pizza oven cover designed specifically for your Ooni oven is a wise move.

A good cover protects against dust, moisture, and other potential hazards that could damage your oven over time.

Make sure it fits snugly and covers the entire oven, including any handles or vents.

3. Choose the Right Storage Spot:

Opt for a sheltered location to store your Ooni oven, away from direct exposure to the elements.

A garage, shed, or covered patio are all great options.

If you’re storing it in a garage or shed, try to elevate it on a shelf or platform to prevent moisture buildup.

You can also place a moisture-absorbing packet under the cover to fight humidity.

4. Mind the Temperature:

Keep an eye on the temperature of the storage area.

Extreme heat or cold can mess with your oven’s performance and longevity.

So try to avoid storing it in places with big temperature swings.

If necessary, try insulating the storage space to maintain a moderate temperature.

5. Don’t Forget the Propane Tank (for gas ovens):

If you’re rocking a gas-powered Ooni oven with a propane tank, remember to disconnect and remove the tank before storing the oven.

Store the tank separately in a well-ventilated spot away from heat sources and direct sunlight.

6. Regular Check-ins:

It’s a good idea to peek in on your stored oven now and then.

Look for any signs of damage, pests, or moisture buildup that could cause trouble.

If you’re using a cover, give it a once-over to make sure it’s holding up and providing the protection your oven needs.

How to choose the right outdoor cover for Ooni pizza oven

Choosing the right cover for your Ooni pizza oven is key to keeping it safe from the elements when you leave it outside.

Let’s break down what to look for:

1. Size and Fit:

Make sure to get a cover that’s designed for your specific Ooni oven model.

You want it to fit just right — not too tight and not too loose.

That way, it’ll stay in place and provide proper protection.

2. Material Quality:

Look for covers made from sturdy, weather-resistant materials like polyester, PVC, or heavy-duty vinyl.

These fabrics can handle rain, snow, sun, and wind without tearing or wearing out too quickly.

Avoid flimsy covers that might not hold up over time.

3. Waterproofing:

Always choose a cover that’s waterproof or at least water-resistant.

You don’t want moisture seeping through and getting your oven wet.

Look for features like sealed seams or water-repellent coatings to keep your Ooni nice and dry.

4. UV Protection:

If your oven will be out in the sun, UV protection is a must.

UV-resistant covers help prevent fading and deterioration caused by sunlight, keeping both the cover and your Ooni looking good for longer.

5. Ventilation:

Look for covers with ventilation panels or vents to allow air to circulate.

This helps prevent moisture buildup inside the cover, which can lead to mold, mildew, or rust.

Good airflow keeps everything dry and in good shape.

6. Secure Closure:

Choose a cover with a secure closure system, like straps, buckles, or drawstrings.

You want something that’ll keep the cover firmly in place, even on windy days.

Adjustable closures let you get a snug fit, so the cover won’t blow off and expose your Ooni to the elements.

7. Durability:

Investing in a high-quality cover is worth it in the long run.

While cheaper options might seem tempting, they may not offer the same level of protection or last as long.

Think of it as an investment in keeping your oven safe and sound.

How to place the cover on your Ooni properly

Properly placing and securing the cover over your Ooni pizza oven is crucial to keep it shielded from the elements.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it:

1. Positioning:

Check if your oven is clean and dry before putting the cover on.

Then, carefully position the cover over the oven.

Make sure it completely covers all sides and edges.

Pay attention to any openings or ventilation panels on the cover and line them up with the corresponding features on the oven for proper airflow.

2. Secure Straps or Buckles:

If your cover has straps or buckles, use them to keep it in place.

Wrap the straps around the base of the oven or through designated loops, and fasten them tightly.

This prevents the cover from shifting or blowing off, especially on windy days.

Try to evenly distribute the tension for a secure fit.

3. Adjust Drawstrings:

For covers with drawstrings or elastic edges, adjust them to snugly fit around the bottom of the oven.

Pull the drawstrings tight and tie them securely, or tuck them under the oven to prevent them from loosening over time.

This helps to keep the cover secure and prevents it from flapping around in the wind.

4. Check Ventilation:

If your cover has ventilation panels or vents, ensure they’re not blocked to allow proper airflow.

Avoid covering or blocking these openings with straps or other objects, as it could trap moisture inside.

Good airflow helps prevent mold and mildew growth and keeps your Ooni dry.

5. Regular Inspection:

Check whether the cover is still properly secured and in good condition from time to time.

Look for any signs of wear and tear, like frayed straps or tears in the fabric.

If you notice any damage, repair or replace it ASAP.

6. Wind Monitoring:

Keep an eye on the cover during windy weather to make sure it stays put.

If needed, add some extra weight or anchor points to prevent it from lifting or blowing away.

But use suitable weights or anchors that won’t damage the oven or cover.

How to maintain the Ooni oven cover for outside use

1. Regular Cleaning:

Make it a habit to clean your cover regularly to prevent dirt and grime from building up.

Use a soft brush or cloth to gently brush away any surface debris.

If there are any stubborn stains, you can use a mild detergent mixed with warm water to spot-clean those areas.

Just be careful not to use anything too harsh that could damage the fabric.

2. Hand Washing:

If your cover is safe for machine washing, follow the instructions on the label.

Otherwise, it’s best to hand wash it using a mild detergent and lukewarm water.

Avoid using hot water, as it can cause the fabric to shrink or get damaged.

Once you’ve washed it, give it a thorough rinse to get rid of any soap residue.

And then let it air dry completely before storing it away.

3. Drying:

Before you store the Ooni oven cover, make sure it’s completely dry to prevent any mold or mildew from forming.

Hang it up indoors to air dry, avoiding direct sunlight which can cause the fabric to fade or weaken.

Once it’s dry, you can put it away.

4. Storage:

When you’re not using the Ooni cover, store it in a clean, dry place away from sunlight.

Don’t cram it into a tight space or fold it up too tightly. This can cause creases or damage to the fabric.

Instead, loosely roll or fold it and put it in a storage bag or container to keep it safe.

5. Check for Damage:

Every so often, take a look at your cover to see if there are any signs of wear and tear.

Look out for frayed seams, tears, or holes, and fix them up right away to stop them from getting worse.

If your Ooni cover is really dirty or too damaged to fix, it might be time to get a new one.

6. UV Protection:

If your cover spends a lot of time in the sun, consider using a UV protectant spray to help keep it in good condition.

Just get one that’s made for outdoor fabrics, and follow the instructions carefully.

Can I use any cover for storing my Ooni pizza oven outside, or does it need to be a specific one?

It’s best to use a cover made for your exact Ooni pizza oven model. Or get a universal cover that can be a close fit.

While Ooni offers covers tailored to their ovens, you can also find alternative third-party options that match your oven’s size and even have more features than the official ones.

Will leaving my Ooni pizza oven outside void the warranty?

Check the warranty terms regarding outdoor use and storage.

While many Ooni pizza ovens are suitable for outdoor use, not following recommended storage practices could void the warranty.

Always refer to the warranty documentation for specific guidelines.

How can I secure my Ooni pizza oven outside to prevent theft or tampering?

Lock your oven or anchor it to a stable surface.

You can also use other measures, like motion-activated lights or surveillance cameras for extra security.

Can I leave accessories like the pizza peel or gas attachment outside with the oven?

While some accessories may withstand outdoor conditions, it’s best to store them indoors when not in use.

Exposure to moisture, sunlight, and temperature changes can damage them over time.

Keep them in a dry, sheltered area instead.

How do I know if my Ooni pizza oven cover needs to be replaced?

Look for signs like tears, fraying seams, fading, or a decrease in water resistance.

If the cover no longer fits properly or doesn’t protect the oven well, it may be time for a new one.

Can I leave my Ooni pizza oven outside during winter?

It’s generally not recommended to leave your Ooni pizza oven outside during winter, especially in regions with harsh weather conditions.

Freezing temperatures and moisture can damage the oven.

So it’s best to store it indoors or in a sheltered area during the colder months.

How can I prevent mold or mildew from forming on my Ooni pizza oven cover?

Make sure it’s completely dry before putting it away.

Regularly clean the cover and remove any dirt or debris that could promote mold growth.

Store the cover in a well-ventilated area and consider using moisture-absorbing packets to help keep it dry.

Can my Ooni pizza oven be left outside if I live in a coastal area with salt air?

Coastal environments with salt air can accelerate corrosion and rust on the metal components of your Ooni pizza oven.

Cover it, clean the oven regularly, and paint it with protective coatings to prevent it from rusting.

Plus, of course, store the oven indoors when not in use.

Can my Ooni pizza oven be left outside if it’s windy?

High winds can flip the oven over, damage it, or cause the cover to blow off.

Use additional securing methods such as straps, weights, or anchors to keep the oven and cover in place during windy weather.

Final thoughts

So, can Ooni be left outside?

The answer is yes but with some precautions.

As long as you properly cover and protect your Ooni pizza oven from the elements, it can withstand being left outside.

However, I still recommend storing it indoors when not in use to prolong its lifespan.

Overall, Ooni is a durable and versatile cooking tool that can handle the great outdoors, making it perfect for outdoor gatherings and adventures.

Enjoy your Ooni pizza oven and happy cooking!

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